Monday 30 January 2012


Screen Printing.

Letter Press

First attempt at Letter Press.


Self promotional piece 

Pen, Fine liner on card.

2d Image and Type Project

Five film posters based on the original film noirs of Blade Runner, Blue Velvet, Peeping Tom, Point Blank and Vertigo.

Paper cut outs and Photoshop.

Sequential Images

Five sequential images which were based on William Hogath's, 'A Rake's Progress' documenting the rise and fall. 
I have chosen and developed a character and shown her rise and fall of fame. 

Pencil on paper and Photoshop. 


Character development for project 'A Rake's Progress'.

Trickle Down Effect

Public Art displayed in Bethnal Green.

Pen on paper.

Ugly Truth

Painting three from my painting class. Based on domestic violence.

Acrylic on canvas.

Painting 2

This is my second painting for my Painting class. I sort of thought of a theme, I wanted to use strong colours and dramatic highlights and shadows. I thought I could focus on domestic violence. As this subject is powerful and there is a lot which can be expressed through the paintings that I wanted to produce.

Acrylic on canvas.


A painting of my brother Ben.
I have always painted skin colour a greenish sort of colour. At a young age I was tested whether I was colour blind or not, the results stated that I was colour blind. 
This was the first painting which I had done in quite a while. I had to research how to make skin tones on the Internet before I could paint his skin. Rather than being an off green colour he looks more reddish with purple shadow tones.
Maybe I should have left my eyes to judge what is skin tone, this was I would have created something original and unique. But for my first attempt to paint portraits in a long time I want to create a similarity to the photograph I was referencing to.

Acrylic on canvas.

Ben's A Nerd

Page in my Fanzine. Based on my brother dressing up when he goes on themed nights out.

Pro marker and Fine liner.

Ben's Head

Another piece for my Fanzine project. The things which revolve in my brothers head.

Pencil, Pen and Fine liner.


For my Fanzine project based on my brother.

Watercolour, Pen and collage.

Stop Motion Animation

Two snap shots of my motion movie. The Beginning and End.

Armature made with Millput. With felt and stuffed.
Set made with plywood board and cut out card.  

Character - Boo

Stop motion animation. Character turn around.

Pro marker pen and Fine liner

CD Designs

CD Cover Designs.
First year project where we had to design CD covers based on an unsigned artist.
I choose Ashley Dawes
And here are my three designs.

Pen, Ink and Photoshop

Project based feminism. Looking at how woman hide behind everything from make up to tattoos.

Silkscreen Print and Collage on MDF board.

Birthday - 2009


Final Major - 2010

Final Major piece for my BTECH diploma. Project was based on dysfunctional families. 
At the time my own family was breaking apart and my final piece ended up being a self portrait showing how I felt at the time and what factors kept me strong. 

Watercolour, Screen print, Fine Liner, Photography, Ink and Pastle.